Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Deadline Extended...LAST CHANCE for prepay price

Don't worry procrastinators, we've got you covered. Ta dah! The deadline to prepay has been extended for one more day. YAY! Don't miss out on this great, affordable date night. Complete with dinner, dessert, and entertainment. Pay by Wednesday June 24, 8 am. We are ordering the food at 8 am sharp, so procrastinate no longer! (you won't get this great of a deal for another 5 years, so don't miss out!)

Sunday, June 21, 2009


Hello. See that link to the side where you can pre-pay for the reunion? Click on it now and pay because the prices are going up after midnight on June 22. Don't forget to reserve your seat!!! We hope to see EVERYONE there.

Friday, May 22, 2009


Hello everyone!

We now have a set date for the reunion!

It will be on June 27 at 6:00 pm, at the Wilkinson Center at BYU.

The cost of the reunion will be $8 per person and $15 for a couple if you pre-pay. We will soon get a PayPal link set up on the blog so you can pay online.

If you pay at the door it will be $15 per person and $25 for a couple--so pre-pay!

Also, this is not the only invitation you are getting. We want to mail them out. So if you haven't put your mailing address on the facebook group, please email it to provohigh04@gmail.com so we can make sure to get you one!

And remember to check back here for updates!

Tell all your PHS friends to check it out too!

Monday, April 20, 2009


It's true, it's been 5 years since we graduated from dear old PHS, which means we have a reunion coming up!

Please tell all the Provo High friends you have to come check out this blog for updates, and tell them to tell their friends, and them to tell their friends, and hopefully at some point we'll all have seen it. Thank goodness for the internet.

And get ready to attend the best party the Commons has ever seen (aside from Homecoming).

More updates (like when the reunion is, stuff like that) to come. So keep checking back!